Cory Environmental

Before Christmas I had the pleasure of working with Cory Environmental. Working with the London head office we planned a two day shoot around Cornwall, to photograph the team delivering a range of their commissionable services.

Cory Environmental provide key services to Cornwall Council and other professional organisations in the SW and nationally. Including beach cleaning, waste management, recycling and street cleaning.

I spent the two days travelling with Neil, Cory Environmental’s Communications Officer. Neil had earlier planned the shoots and with the local teams helped organised where and when the teams needed to be. With Cory’s beautifully cleaned equipment and the Cornish landscape as our backdrop we embarked on our project.

The weather was slightly against us on day one, with uninteresting grey clouds covering the sky. The ambient light was very soft and pretty flat, I boosted it with flash lights, hand held by Neil. These helped to give a punch to the subjects and adding a bit of contrast.

We had a lot to cover in the two days and had to work fast to get it all completed. Saying that we did have a great time and the team at Cory are a really great bunch of guys.

Here are a few of my favourites from the shoot.