Anna Hart Design – Anthony Greenwood Photography

Ihave worked with Anna Hart Design twice in the last month photographing her fantastic interior design work. Both projects happened to be situated at the Tremough Campus, Penryn, Cornwall. The first was the Concourse Cafe, The Performance Centre, Falmouth University and the second was the Cafe area at the Environment and Sustainability Institute, The University of Exeter.


At the Concourse Cafe. Anna had several areas to she wanted to capture on camera. We set about dressing the areas one by one, setting up the camera for the best composition and angle, checking exposure and depth of field and adding speedlites to help boost different areas. With all that ready we then used the staff and students to move through the composition to add some action and drama. We had fun with this, getting our models to move at the correct speed and with the right actions, to give that slight blurred effect. We had several takes.


The Cafe at the  Environment and Sustainability Institute was just one shot. We set the camera up, pulling it back to give the cafe area context with the building and the pedestrian areas. We moved  a lot of furniture around to build the composition. We also dressed the cafe area by adding and subtracting decorative and non-decorative items. I added speedlites hidden behind the chairs to add light to the front of the cafe’s façade. We then waited for the ambient light and our unsuspecting model to move through the composition.


I shot with the camera tethered to my laptop, which helps by allowing the photograph to be viewed as you go about building the shot. Shooting with a 24mm tilt shift lens, to eliminate any converging lines (when a building looks like it is leaning backwards). I also added speedlites where appropriate to help important areas pop.