Crumbs – anthony greenwood Photography
Helen Gilchrist of Stranger Collective asked if I would get involved in her “crumbs” project. An idea based on the theory of Chinese whispers. The project passed a “crumb” to an artist, illustrator, writer, photographer and poet which they interpreted in their chosen medium and passed it on to the next.
A detailed explanation of how it works from Helen:
“I started with one word – the first ‘crumb’ – which I sent to the photographer Tom Dymond, inviting him to have a think about what it meant to him and then create an image to illustrate his idea. It could be a quick snap or a photo set up specially, depending on the time available and how the concept inspires. Alternatively, it could be an image selected from his portfolio that relates to the idea/ theme of the word, be it directly or as a tangential concept/ metaphor. He had to send his image – the next ‘crumb’ – back to me by 11am the following morning. I then took another 24 hours to respond with up to 25 words – the next ‘crumb’ – which I sent on to an illustrator. And so it went on: writer – imagemaker – writer – imagemaker and so on. A thread of linked ideas shaped in twists and turns through each person’s unique slant/ interpretation.”
My crumb came to me on 12th December 2013 at 11am and I had to return my interpretation by 11am the next morning. My crumb:
“When you get older, this will all make sense.”
My thinking at the time about the phrase.
“When you get older, this will all make sense” to me is something that you say to your children, which in my mind then limits the types of events that it refers to, and what we expose our children to. It pretty much leaves out religion, politics. It leaves the loss of a loved one or the break-up of a relationship.
and my picture
To view the whole project to date pop over to CRUMBS. The project is still progressing, if you would like to get involved contact Helen on