Kev Callaby Uni cycling down a rocky gully, on a MUNI, extreme sports activity

Muni 2 – Anthony Greenwood Photography

Ispent the afternoon shooting the Muni 2 shoot with Kev, Gareth and Jacob and their crazy uni-cycle skills. We took a trip out to St Austell on one of the sunny days we have had this year, to photograph the guys riding trials style among the rocks and waste ground. We had a great time exploring the terrain, finding gnarly routes for the guys to ride and good angles and light to get the best photographs we could. In fact we had such a good time I think we will be going back.

I had anĀ ulteriorĀ motive for shooting these guys, and that was the Red Bull Extreme Sports Photography Comp. I was hoping to capture a shot that would be suitable/comp winning. I am still debating this one.

Muni 2 – Anthony Greenwood Photography

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